10th Sitting of the Senate
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The President granted leave of absence to Sen. Dr. Adesh Nanan and Sen. Michael Annisette. Ms. Kavita Dabiedeen and Ms. Althea Rocke were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Nanan and Annisette respectively.
Nine Questions qualified for oral answer. Four Questions (17,23,24,25) were answered and the rest deferred. See the Order Paper for details.
One Question qualifies for written answer. See the Order Paper for details.
The Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Marine Resources moved a motion to acquire lands for a public purpose. Sen. Wade Mark was first to enter the debate, followed by Sen. Dana Seetahal, SC. A total of eight Senators made contributions before the Minister rose to conclude the debate. The Motion was later approved.
Two matters were raised on the Motion for the Adjournment of the Senate. Sen. Mark first raised the matter of “the worsening economic crisis and its negative impact on employment levels in Trinidad and Tobago.” The Minister of Trade and Industry and Minister in the Ministry of Finance responded.
Sen. Mark then raised a second matter, “the threat posed to the energy sector by the severe and protracted global crisis.” The Minister of Energy and Energy Industries responded.
At its next sitting debate is expected to resume on a Private Motion by Sen. Prof. Ramesh Deosaran on election campaign financing. The sitting ended at 6:48 p.m.