House of Representatives


10th Sitting of the House of Representatives

5th Session - 10th Republican Parliament

Monday 22 September, 2014
10:00 AM
Announcements By The Speaker/Deputy Speaker
Announcements / Leave of Absence

Leave was given by the Speaker of the House to the Member for St. Augustine during the period of Sept 20th – 28th, 2014.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year - 2015) Bill, 2014

The House resolved itself into Standing Finance Committee to consider the Estimates of Expenditure contained in the budget documents and the Appropriation (Financial Year – 2015) Bill, 2014. After agreeing on a work schedule, the Standing Finance Committee met on September 22, 2014, September 23, 2014, September 25, 2014 and September 26, 2014. Over the course of those four days the Committee considered all 50 Heads. On September 26th, 2014 after all 50 Heads of Expenditure were approved without amendment, the question was put and agreed to that the grand total of $57,907,366,543 be approved. Thereafter the question was put and agreed to that Clauses 1 to 3 stand part of the Bill. The question was put that the Bill be reported to the House. The House then resumed from Standing Finance Committee. The Minister of Finance and the Economy reported that the Appropriation (Financial Year – 2015) Bill, 2014 was considered in Standing Finance Committee and passed without amendment and moved that the Bill be read a third time. The question was put and agreed to on the Third Reading. The Appropriation (Financial Year 2015) Bill, 2014 was read a third time and passed.

The House Adjourned to a date to be fixed.

The House Adjourned to a date to be fixed.