House of Representatives


10th Sitting of the House of Representatives

2nd Session - 12th Republican Parliament

Friday 10 December, 2021
1:30 PM
Bills Brought From The Senate
The Trinidad and Tobago Special Economic Zones Bill, 2021

The Trinidad and Tobago Special Economic Zones Bill, 2021 was brought from the Senate in the name of the Minister of Trade and Industry.

Introduction of Private Bill

Mr. David Lee, MP, lodged a petition on behalf of the Sri Sathya Sai Baba Organization of Trinidad and Tobago requesting a name change to Sri Sathya Sai International Organization of Trinidad and Tobago. The request was approved.

Mr. David Lee, MP [Opposition Member]
Use of Hansard

Hon. Faris Al-Rawi, MP, lodged a petition on behalf of Hynia Harrikissoon requesting use of the hansard in court proceedings. Leave was granted.

Hon. Faris Al-Rawi SC, MP [Minister of Rural Development and Local Government]
Five Papers

Five papers were laid. See Order Paper for details.

Hon. Camille Robinson-Regis, MP [Minister of Housing and Urban Development]
Hon. Fitzgerald Hinds, MP [Minister of National Security]
Presentation Of Reports From Select Committees
One Report

One report was presented.

Hon. Lisa Morris-Julian [Minister in the Ministry of Education]
Questions To Ministers: Oral Answer
One urgent question

One urgent question was posed.

Mr. Rudranath Indarsingh, MP [Opposition Member]
Questions To Ministers: Oral Answer
Four Questions on Notice

Four questions qualified for oral answer. All questions were answered.

Mr. David Lee, MP [Opposition Member]
Hon. Terrence Deyalsingh, MP [Minister of Health]
Mr. Rudranath Indarsingh, MP [Opposition Member]
Hon. Camille Robinson-Regis, MP [Minister of Housing and Urban Development]
Mr. Rodney Charles, MP [Opposition Member]
Hon. Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, MP [Minister of Education]
Hon. Marvin Gonzales, MP [Minister of Public Utilities]
Introduction Of Bills
Three Bills

Three bills were introduced, including the Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2021. The Minister of Finance moved that the next stage of the bill be taken on Monday December 13, 2021. The motion was approved.

Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
Private Business: Motions
Condemn the Government for its neglect of the economy

The Member for Oropouche West, Mr. Davendranath Tancoo, MP, moved a motion that the House condemns the Government for its neglect of the economy and failure to generate sustainable economic growth and development. Eleven members contributed to the debate before the adjournment.

Mr. Davendranath Tancoo, MP [Opposition Member]
Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
Mr. Rushton Paray, MP [Opposition Member]
Hon. Stuart Young SC, MP [Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister]
Mr. David Lee, MP [Opposition Member]
Sen. the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon [Minister of Trade and Industry]
Mr. Ravi Ratiram, MP [Opposition Member]
Hon. Lisa Morris-Julian [Minister in the Ministry of Education]
Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC, MP [Leader of the Opposition]
Hon. Marvin Gonzales, MP [Minister of Public Utilities]
Mr. Rudranath Indarsingh, MP [Opposition Member]
Hon. Foster Cummings, MP [Minister of Youth Development and National Service]
The House adjourned to Monday December 13, 2021 at 1:30 p.m.

The Sitting concluded at 6:06 p.m.