House of Representatives


Private Motion – Scarborough Hospital Project

House of Representatives - 5th Session - 8th Republican Parliament

WHEREAS the IADB funded Scarborough Hospital Project is a vital part of the Health infrastructure of Tobago;

AND WHEREAS the construction of the One Hundred (100) Bed Hospital was contracted to NHIC for the sum of TT $135 Million;

AND WHEREAS this project has become entangled in allegations of conflict of interest, corruption and massive cost overruns;

AND WHEREAS the project is incomplete and there is no construction work taking place and no resumption in sight;

AND WHEREAS this delay in the delivery of the Scarborough Hospital is causing severe hardship and suffering to the people of Tobago;

AND WHEREAS the Government has been silent on the progress or lack thereof of this project;

BE IT RESOLVED that this House do condemn the Government for its failure to act in the public interest with respect to the construction and delivery of the Scarborough Hospital.

(By the Member for Caroni East)

29 Jun 2007
House DebateHansard
2 speakersShow Speakers
1.Mr. Ganga Singh [Caroni East] [Opposition Member (COP)]
2.The Honourable Colm Imbert [Diego Martin East] [Minister of Works and Transport]