Increase in Borrowing – Treasury Notes Act
- 1st Session - 8th Republican Parliament
WHEREAS it is provided by section 3(1) Treasury Notes Act, that the Minister of Finance on the written advice of the Governor of the Central Bank may, for the purposes of promoting monetary credit and exchange conditions most favourable to the economy of Trinidad and Tobago, borrow money in Trinidad and Tobago in such sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate one thousand million Trinidad and Tobago dollars or the equivalent thereof in any foreign currency or currencies and such further sum or sums as may be specified by resolution of Parliament, or the equivalent thereof in any foreign currency or currencies, by the issue of Notes:
AND WHEREAS it is necessary for the Minister of Finance to borrow further sums of money for the purposes stated in the said section:
BE IT RESOLVED that for the purposes stated in the said section, the Minister of Finance is hereby authorised to borrow such further sum or sums in Trinidad and Tobago, not exceeding in the aggregate three thousand million Trinidad and Tobago dollars or the equivalent thereof in any foreign currency or currencies.
(By the Minister in the Ministry of Finance)