House of Representatives


Approve Excise Duty of $2.22 per Litre on Ethyl Alcohol

House of Representatives - 5th Session - 11th Republican Parliament

WHEREAS it is provided by section 13(1) of the Excise (General Provisions) Act, Chap. 78:50 that Parliament may from time to time, by resolution, impose Excise Duties and revoke, reduce, increase or alter any such duties and provide for exemptions therefrom;

AND WHEREAS it is expedient that a provisional Excise Duty be imposed in respect of ethyl alcohol for the use in the manufacture of hand sanitizer:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Excise Duty on ethyl alcohol to be used in the manufacture of hand sanitizers be two dollars and twenty-two cents per litre and so in proportion for any part of a litre and for any greater or lesser strength until 31st August, 2020.

(By the Minister of Finance)