Senator Prof. Patrick Watson
Prof. Patrick Kent Watson entered Parliament as a Government Senator at the beginning of the 10th Republican Parliament.
Prof. Watson is University Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economic Studies and Professor of Applied Economics at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago. He previously served as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences from 1995 to 2003. He holds a Master’s and a doctoral degree in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics from the Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Leeds.
Prof. Watson has published widely (books, book chapters and articles) in the area of theoretical and applied econometrics, with emphasis on the Caribbean Economy. His research interests include: economic and social data issues in the Caribbean; social accounting matrices (and extensions) for the Caribbean, with applications to poverty, human capital formation and income distribution; computable general equilibrium of the Caribbean Economy, with applications to trade, poverty, income distribution and the environment; finance (including micro finance) and financial markets in the Caribbean; growth and productivity issues in the Caribbean; the socio-economic impact of climate change in the Caribbean.
Professor Watson has served on various Public Sector Boards and Committees including the North-West Regional Health Authority (Chairman), the Regulated Industries Commission of Trinidad & Tobago (Deputy Chairman) and the Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago.
source: www.oecd.org
Maiden Contribution
The Senate - Tuesday August 10, 2010 - link
The Senior Citizens' Grant (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2010 - link