
    Thursday 16th March 2023

    12:15 a.m.What Independence Means to Me
    12:40 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Gillian Lucky
    Elmina Clarke Alleyne
    1:05 a.m.Parliamentary Updates
    Rotunda Gallery- Honouring Women
    1:20 a.m.International Women's Day Interview 2023
    Elspeth Duncan
    1:30 a.m.Women in Politics in Trinidad and Tobago
    The Pioneers
    2:20 a.m.International Women's Day Interview 2023
    Prof. Judith Gobin
    2:30 a.m.We the People
    2:50 a.m.The Republican Era
    3:00 a.m.International Women's Day Interview 2023
    Sian Cuffy Young
    3:15 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Gillian Lucky
    Dr. Eastlyn Mc Kenzie
    3:35 a.m.This Land is Ours
    4:05 a.m.International Women's Day Interview 2023
    Elspeth Duncan
    4:15 a.m.Throwing Light on the Constitution
    4:30 a.m.Sitting of the House of Representatives
    Friday February 10, 2023
    5:00 a.m.Women in Politics in Trinidad and Tobago
    The Pioneers
    5:20 a.m.United Nations in Action
    5:35 a.m.UN TV
    Twenty-First Century
    6:00 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Eric St. Cyr
    Dr. Morgan Job
    6:35 a.m.Securing a Nation
    6:55 a.m.Eric Williams
    25 Years of Leadership
    7:20 a.m.The Process of Lawmaking
    7:30 a.m.The Water Riots
    7:50 a.m.Parliamentary Exceptions
    Crowne Plaza Accord
    8:00 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Ranjit Kumar
    Selby Wilson
    8:30 a.m.Parliament and Tobago
    8:45 p.m.We the People
    9:00 p.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Elspeth Duncan
    9:10 a.m.How Laws are Made
    9:45 a.m.Red House Restoration
    9:45 a.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Abeni Taylor
    10:00 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Basdeo Panday
    10:50 a.m.Commonwealth Week Remark
    President of the Senate
    Nigel de Freitas
    11:00 a.m.Live Broadcast of Commonwealth Week Panel Discussion
    12:20 p.m.Commonwealth Week Remark
    President of the Senate
    Nigel de Freitas
    12:30 p.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Erla Harewood-Christopher
    12:45 p.m.Parliamentary Exceptions
    Hector McClean
    1:00 p.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Veronika La Fortune
    1:15 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Noor Hassanali
    Patrick Manning
    1:30 p.m.Meeting of the JSC on Social Services and Public Administration
    Wednesday March 15, 2023
    4:00 p.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Erla Harewood-Christopher
    4:10 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    ANR Robinson
    Dr. Patrick Solomon
    5:00 p.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Veronika La Fortune
    5:05 p.m.THA Documentary
    5:30 p.m.Joint Select Committee Meeting
    Wednesday March 15, 2023
    11:40 p.m.Within These Walls
    President's House
    11:55 p.m.Sitting of the House of Representatives
    Friday February 3, 2023