
    Sunday 26th November 2023

    1:10 a.m.West Indies at War
    A 4 Part Series
    3:15 a.m.The Parliament of South Africa
    4:15 a.m.The Senate of Canada
    4:40 a.m. CPA Youth Parliament
    5:35 a.m.United Nations in Action
    6:00 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Dr. Rudranath Capildeo
    Michael Als
    6:30 a.m.Parliamentary Updates
    Tales of Our Ancestors
    6:45 a.m.The Republican Era
    7:00 a.m.Interview Corner
    Hon. Moses Frank Moyo
    Second Deputy Speaker
    National Assembly of Zambia
    7:10 a.m.This Land is Ours
    7:40 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Allan Alexander
    Christopher Thomas
    8:15 a.m.The Red House
    The Return
    9:02 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Dr. Eastltyn Mc Kenzie
    Kalawatee Permanand
    9:35 a.m.The Process of Lawmaking
    9:45 a.m.Interview Corner
    Hon. Charliena White
    Speaker of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly
    10:00 a.m.Sitting of the Senate
    7:00 p.m.Interview Corner
    Hon. Charliena White
    Speaker of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly
    7:10 p.m.Parliament and Tobago
    7:20 p.m.Rebroadcast of the Sitting of the Senate