
    Thursday 18th January 2024

    3:05 a.m.New Directions of Parliament
    3:20 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    ANR Robinson
    4:05 a.m.The Parliament of South Africa
    4:30 a.m.Jewel on the Hill
    6:00 a.m.Regional Parliament
    7:00 a.m.Democracy
    7:25 a.m.The Red House
    The Return
    8:15 a.m.We the People
    8:30 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Dr. Vincent Lasse
    Tajmool Hosein
    9:00 a.m.Parliamentary Exceptions
    Crowne Plaza Accord
    Coalition of Various Interests
    9:15 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Dana Seetahal
    Desmond Allum
    9:55 a.m.Committees at Work
    Dr. Paul Richards
    10:00 a.m.Meeting of the JSC on Social Services and Public Administration
    Wednesday November 15, 2023
    12:25 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Andrew Cassimire
    Dr. Basil Ince
    12:50 a.m.The Process of Lawmaking
    1:00 a.m.Parliamentary Updates
    Rotunda Gallery
    In Living Colour
    1:10 p.m.Committees at Work
    Hazel Thompson Ahye
    1:30 p.m.Meeting of the JSC on Social Services and Public Administration
    Monday December 11, 2023
    4:15 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Lenny Saith
    Martin Joseph
    4:50 p.m.Committees at Work
    Dr. Paul Richards
    5:00 p.m.Live Town Hall Meeting
    JSC on Social Services and Public Administration
    7:00 p.m.Committees at Work
    Dr. Paul Richards
    7:10 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Michael Als
    Roger Boynes
    7:35 p.m.The Road to Forty-One
    8:00 p.m.Rebroadcast of Town Hall Meeting
    JSC on Social Services and Public Administration
    10:55 p.m.We the People
    11:10 p.m.Sitting of the Senate
    Tuesday November 28, 2024