JSC is seeking Public Comment on Criminal Case Flow Management in the Judicial System


The Joint Select Committee on Finance and Legal Affairs has commenced an inquiry into criminal case flow management in the Judicial System.

The Committee is inviting all stakeholders and interested persons to submit written comments/suggestions/recommendations related to the subject of the inquiry.
The objectives of this inquiry are: 
  • To gain an appreciation of the number of outstanding matters (indictable and non-indictable) before criminal courts.
  • To understand the systemic reasons for the backlog of cases in the criminal courts.
  • To understand the efforts being made and the challenges that exist in alleviating the backlog.
  • To make recommendations for the improvement of the system of criminal justice (both in the short and long term).

Written submissions should be addressed to the Secretary to the Committee as stated below and can be submitted by e-mail (jscfla@ttparliament.org) or mail:

The Secretary
The Joint Select Committee on Finance and Legal Affairs
Office of the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
Levels G-8, Tower D
International Waterfront Centre
1A Wrightson Road
Port of Spain

Contents of your Submission

There are four (4) basic principles that should be followed when making submissions in relation to an inquiry. These are:
  • Relevance – Your submission must be relevant to the matter before the Committee. A Committee cannot give consideration to a submission which is not relevant to its objectives.
  • Clarity – A clear and logically developed argument should be presented. A submission that jumps from one issue to another or that contains convoluted information may confuse others and will have less impact on readers. 
  • Conciseness – Be simple and direct. Do not write more than is necessary. Committees cannot fully consider overly long submissions. Be crisp in the presentation of your views and the reasoning that supports your view.
  • Accuracy – Be accurate and complete. Include supporting material for all references made in your submission.  Ensure that your content is factual.
Formatting your Submission

Your submission should contain your name and address or the name and address of the association or organization making the submission.

A written submission should:

  • contain an Executive Summary to facilitate ease of reading;
  • include any recommendations for action by the government or other entities, which the stakeholder/witness would like the Committee to consider; and
  • be submitted in both paper and electronic form

However, submissions should not:

  • consist mainly of material already published elsewhere, although such material can be properly referenced or attached to the submission;
  • include comments on matters currently before a court of law or matters in respect of which court proceedings are imminent; or
  • contain irrelevant and unjustified allegations.
Thank you.
Committees Unit
February 19, 2016