First Meetings of JSCs on Election Campaign Financing and Parliamentary Reform

Two recently appointed Joint Select Committees of Parliament held their first meetings on Tuesday 9th December, 2014.

Election Campaign Financing

One of those committees is the Joint Select Committee appointed to propose a legislative framework to govern the Financing of Election Campaigns.

This Joint Select Committee must submit its report with recommendations to both Houses of Parliament within six months of its appointment, that is, by May 6th, 2015.

The Members appointed to serve on this Committee are:

  • Mr. Wade Mark – Chairman
  • Dr. Roodal Moonilal
  • Mr. Prakash Ramadhar
  • Mr. Clifton De Coteau
  • Mr. Colm Imbert
  • Ms. Marlene McDonald
  • Mr. Ganga Singh
  • Mr. Anand Ramlogan, SC
  • Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie
  • Mr. Elton Prescott, SC
  • Mrs. Camille Robinson-Regis
  • Mrs. Helen Drayton

Reform of the Parliament

The Joint Select Committee appointed to consider and report on the legislative proposal entitled, "The Draft Houses of Parliament Service Authority Bill, 2014" also held its first meeting on Tuesday 9th December, 2014.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has partnered with the Parliament for the development and implementation of a project aimed at Strengthening the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago.

One of the outputs of this project is to advance the process of the functional (administrative and financial) autonomy of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. This output is to be met through the finalization of an Act of Parliament, the draft Houses of Parliament Bill, conceived for this purpose; as well as the establishment of a road map for the way forward, once the Bill is finalized. This Joint Select Committee will be continuing the work started by a Committee appointed during the Fourth Session on the legislative proposal.

The Members appointed to serve on this Committee are:

  • Mr. Wade Mark – Chairman
  • Mrs. Nela Khan
  • Dr. Rupert Griffith
  • Mr. Colm Imbert
  • Ms. Marlene McDonald
  • Mr. Timothy Hamel Smith
  • Mr. Anand Ramlogan, SC
  • Mr. Emmanuel George
  • Mr. Elton Prescott, SC
  • Mrs. Camille Robinson-Regis

The Joint Select Committee on Financing of Election Campaigns will meet again on Tuesday 3rd February, 2015 while the Joint Select Committee on the Legislative Proposal will meet again on Friday 12th December, 2014.

For further information contact the Secretary to the Committees at or