
Statutory Instruments Committee of the Senate

9th Republican Parliament

2010-01-19 - 2010-04-08
Email: not available
Standing Order 64 of the Senate states:
  1. There shall be the following Sessional Select Committees:
    1. the Standing Orders Committee;
    2. the House Committee;
    3. the Committee of Privileges;
    4. the Statutory Instruments Committee.
  2. Members of the Sessional Select Committees shall be appointed by the President as soon as possible after the beginning of each Session.
  3. The Chairman or Chairmen of each Sessional Committee shall be appointed by the President who shall have the right to change the Chairmen so appointed from time to time.

Standing Order 68 of the Senate states:

  1. The Statutory Instruments Committee shall have the duty of considering all such instruments (as defined by the Interpretation Act for the time being in force) as under the authority of any law are to be laid before the Senate, and are to be subject to negative resolution within the meaning of the Interpretation Act -
    1. which involves the expenditure of public moneys or imposes or fixes fees for licences or for services;
    2. which cannot be challenged in the Courts on the ground that it is ultra vires, or is only temporarily so challengeable;
    3. the making of which appears to constitute an unusual or unexpected use of the powers conferred by the law under which it is was made.
    4. which purports to have retroactive effect although the law under which it was made does not in terms give the Minister such a power;
    5. the publication or the laying before the Senate of which appears to have been unduly delayed;
    6. in respect of which there has been unjustifiable delay in notifying the President that the instrument had come into operation before it was laid before the Senate;
    7. the purport or form of which appears to require elucidation;
    8. which may be in conflict with any provision of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago; or
    9. which it considers is not in accordance with the letter, spirit or intention of its enabling Act.
  2. The Statutory Instruments Committee shall not consider or report on the merits or policy of any regulations.
  3. The Statutory Instruments Committee shall consist of five Members inclusive of the Chairman.