
House Committee of the Senate

9th Republican Parliament

2008-02-19 - 2008-12-16
Secretary: Mr. Neil Jaggassar

Standing Order 64 of the Senate states:

  1. There shall be the following Sessional Select Committees:
    1. the Standing Orders Committee;
    2. the House Committee;
    3. the Committee of Privileges;
    4. the Statutory Instruments Committee.
  2. Members of the Sessional Select Committees shall be appointed by the President as soon as possible after the beginning of each Session.
  3. The Chairman or Chairmen of each Sessional Committee shall be appointed by the President who shall have the right to change the Chairmen so appointed from time to time.

Standing Order 66 of the Senate states:

  1. The House Committee shall consider, and advise the President upon, all matters connected with the comfort and convenience of Senators.
  2. The House Committee shall consist of five Members inclusive of the Chairman.
  3. The said Committee shall from time to time report its minutes of proceedings to the Senate.