
Committee of Privileges of the House of Representatives

10th Republican Parliament

2010-07-16 - Present
Email: not available

Standing Order 75 of the House of Representatives states:

  1. There shall be referred to the Committee of Privileges any matter which appears to affect the powers or privileges of the House, and it shall be the duty of the Committee to consider any matter so referred and to report thereon to the House.
  2. The Speaker shall be a Member, and the Chairman, of the Committee of Privileges.
  3. The Committee of Privileges shall consist of not less than six, and not more than ten, Members inclusive of the Chairman.

Note: Standing Order 81. The proceedings of and the evidence taken before any Select Committee, and any documents presented to, and decisions of, such a Committee shall not be published by any Member thereof or by any other person before the Committee has presented its Report to the House.