
    Thursday 15th December 2022

    2:00 a.m.Women in Politics in Trinidad and Tobago
    The Pioneers
    2:50 a.mThis Land is Ours
    3:20 a.m.A House for the Nation
    The Great Divide
    3:50 a.m.A House for the Nation
    The Sum of the Parts
    4:20 a.m.A House for the Nation
    The Players
    4:50 a.m.A House for the Nation
    Growing Pains
    5:35 a.m.UN TV
    Twenty-First Century
    6:00 a.m.The Road to Forty-One
    6:30 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Winston Dookeran
    7:15 a.m.We the People
    7:35 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Clive Spencer
    8:00 a.m.Sitting of the 11th Commonwealth Youth Parliament
    Wednesday November 23, 2022
    11:50 a.m .How Laws are Made
    12:20 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Patrick Manning
    Maxwell Awon
    12:30 p.m.Commonwealth Women
    Agents of Change
    1:15 p.m.The History of the Parliament Channel
    1:30 p.m.Sitting of the Senate
    Tuesday December 13, 2022
    7:30 p.m.The Red House
    Celebrating 100 Years
    7:40 p.m.Within These Walls
    City Hall
    7:45 p.m.New Directions of Parliament
    8:00 p.m.Sitting of the Senate
    Tuesday December 13, 2022