
    Saturday 14th May 2022

    4:00 a.m.The Parliament of South Africa
    4:30 a.m.The Senate of Canada
    5:00 a.m.United Nations in Action
    6:00 a.m.Milestones to Parliamentary Democracy in Trinidad and Tobago
    6:00 a.m. Trinidad in Transition
    6:40 a.m. The Quest for Self Rule
    7:10 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Dr. Carson Charles
    Lloyd Phillips
    7:30 a.m.Democracy
    8:00 a.m.We the People
    8:15 a.m.Parliament and Tobago
    8:30 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Hugo Ghany
    Ashton Forde
    9:00 a.m.The History of the Parliament Channel
    9:10 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Hedwige Bereaux
    Lloyd Best
    10:00 a.m.Virtual Meeting of the Public Administration and Appropriations Committee
    Wednesday May 12, 2022
    12:30 p.m.How Laws are Made
    1:00 p.m.What Independence Means to Me
    1:30 p.m.Sitting of the Senate
    Tuesday May 10, 2022
    10:30 p.m.Financial Oversight
    What is it for?
    11:50 p.m.We the People