
    Friday 24th March 2023

    2:00 a.m.Sitting of the House of Representatives
    Wednesday March 22, 2023
    6:00 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Roy Joseph
    John Donaldson
    6:25 a.m.Parliamentary Exceptions
    Gang of Three
    6:30 a.m.What Independence Means to me
    7:00 a.m.The Water Riots
    7:20 a.m.The Red House Restoration
    7:25 a.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Abeni Taylor
    7:30 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Simboonath Capildeo
    Errol Mahabir
    8:10 a.m.Milestones to Parliamentary Democracy in Trinidad and Tobago
    Trinidad in Transition
    8:45 a.m.Milestones to Parliamentary Democracy in Trinidad and Tobago
    The Quest for Self Rule
    9:00 a.m.We the People
    9:35 a.m.Within These Walls
    City Hall
    9:45 a.m.Commonwealth Week
    Spoken Word
    Denicia Thomas and Kennisha Cumberbatch
    9:45 a.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Erla Harewood-Christopher
    10:00 a.m.Meeting of the JSC on National Security
    Wednesday March 15, 2023
    12:00 p.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Arlene Villarule
    12:10 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Errol Mahabir
    12:30 p.m.Commonwealth Day Remarks
    Speaker of the House of Representatives
    Sen. The Hon. Bidgid Annisette -George, MP
    12:35 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Winston Dookeran
    1:25 p.m.Commonwealth Week
    Spoken Word
    Renessa John
    1:30 p.m.Live Sitting of the House of Representatives
    8:30 p.m.Commonwealth Week
    Ronaldo Mohammed
    8:35 p.m.Eric Williams
    25 Years of Leadership
    9:00 p.m.Rebroadcast of the Sitting of the House of Representatives