the office of the parliament

About the Office of the Parliament

The Office of the Parliament provides the administrative and apolitical support services to the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The Office functions under the leadership of the Clerk of the House assisted by the Clerk of the Senate, as Deputy Head. The Office also ensures the proper functioning of the Chamber and offers relevant services to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.


To provide Parliamentarians with procedural advice and essential professional support services in order that they may carry out their responsibilities as Legislators in an informed and efficient manner.

The Office of the Parliament is comprised of the following Offices:


  • Offices of the Presiding Officers
  • Office of the Clerk of the House
  • Office of the Clerk of the Senate
  • Office of the Clerk of Committees
  • Office of the Public Accounts Committees
  • Inter-parliamentary Relations Coordinating Unit


Internal Audit

Office of the Leader of the Opposition

Office of the Marshal

  • Facilities Management 
  • Constituency Operations Management



Human Resource Management:

  • Administrative Services
  • Financial Services
  • Records Management
  • Pension and Leave

Information Systems

Corporate Communications

The Offices of the Presiding Officers


To provide professional research and secretarial services to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives

The Offices of Presiding Officers conduct research, plan workshops/seminars and manage the day-to-day parliamentary affairs of the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Contact: Ms. Margaret Gall-Superville (Senate)
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (ext. 2224)
Ms. Sharon Debisette (House of Representatives)
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (ext. 2221)

Office of the Clerk of the House

This officer is accountable for providing strategic guidance, oversight and leadership for the effective stewardship of the resources and assets of the national Parliament. He/she directs the development and provision of all administrative, logistical, and support functions necessary for the Parliament to operate smoothly, including procedural services, legislative services, information technology, parliamentary communications, publications and broadcasting as well as corporate resources.

Essentially, the Clerk of the House directs the operations of the Office of the Parliament and contributes to the short and long-term achievement of the parliamentary mission and the enhancement of services to the Parliament as an Arm of State and to MPs in three business lines (i.e., the Chamber; Committees; and Constituency). The officer is also relied upon to safeguard the fairness and impartiality of procedural information, counsel and administrative support given to the Speaker, President of the Senate and all other House Members and Senators.

Contact: Mrs. Jacqui Sampson-Meiguel
Clerk of the House
Phone: (868) 623-2565

Office of the Clerk of the Senate

As Deputy Head of Department, the Clerk of the Senate assists in the provision of constitutional support for the work of the Parliament, particularly the Senate and parliamentary committees.

He/she assists in directing the operations of the Office of the Parliament and contributes to the short and long-term achievement of the parliamentary mission. The Clerk of the Senate ensures the fairness and impartiality of procedural information, counsel and administrative support given to the President of the Senate, Leader of the Government Business in the Senate and all other Senators. This officer also specifically directs the development and provision of all administrative, logistical, and support functions in the areas of procedural and legislative services (Senate), Committee Services, Library Services and Hansard Services.

Contact: Mr. Brian Caesar
Clerk of the Senate (Ag.)
Phone: (868) 623-8366

The Clerk of Committees


To provide procedural advice and Secretariat services to Select Committees of Parliament.

The Office of the Clerk of Committees is responsible for facilitating the operation of the Special Select Committees and Joint Select Committees.

Some of the duties performed by this Office are:

  • Advising Committee members on the relevant procedures and practice of Committees
  • Administrative support
  • Management of the Committees’ business
  • Research

A Parliamentary Clerk II who acts as Secretary to the Committees heads the Office of the Clerk of Committees. The Officer may also function as Table Clerk in the House of Representatives or the Senate.

Contact: Mr. Julien Ogilvie, Procedural Clerk
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2277)

The Public Accounts Committees


To provide professional advice to Members of the Public Accounts Committee and the Public Accounts (Enterprises) Committee and to function as the Secretariat for these committees.

The Office of the Public Accounts Committees is responsible for administering the affairs of the Public Accounts Committee and the Public Accounts (Enterprises) Committee and providing services in the following areas:

  • Advising Committee members on the relevant procedures and practice of the Committees
  • Administrative support
  • Management of the Committees’ business
  • Research

The Office of the Public Accounts Committees is headed by a Parliamentary Clerk II who acts as Secretary to the Public Accounts and Public Accounts (Enterprises) Committees. The Officer may also function as Table Clerk in the Senate.

Contact: Ms. Keiba Jacob, Procedural Clerk
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2373)

Inter-parliamentary Relations Coordinating Unit


This Unit is responsible for coordinating all interactions between the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago, with other Parliaments and International Organizations, including visits by dignitaries to the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the attendance by Trinidad and Tobago Parliamentarians to conferences, workshops and official visits abroad.

Contact: Mrs. Lynette Joseph-Guevara
Inter-Parliamentary Relations Coordinator
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2245)

Legal Department


The Legal Department provides legal services to Parliamentarians, Parliamentary Committees and to all departments of the Office of the Parliament in furtherance of the organization’s strategic objectives.

Contact: Ms. Chantal La Roche, Senior Legal Officer
Phone: (868) 624-7275 ext. 2298

Internal Audit


To provide independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the Parliament’s operations. It helps the Parliament accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management control and governance processes.

The Internal Audit ensures that Parliament’s network of risk management, control and governance processes as designed and represented by management are adequate and functioning in a manner to enable:

  • Compliance with laws, regulations, contracts, policies, plans and procedures
  • The reliability and integrity of information
  • The safeguarding of assets
  • The economical and efficient use of resources
  • The accomplishment of established objectives and goals for operations or programmes.

An Auditor I heads the Division.

Contact: Mr. Lester Thomas – Auditor I
Phone: (868) 624-7275 ext. 2360

Office of The Leader of The Opposition


To provide the Leader of the Opposition with professional research assistance and advanced secretarial support in the execution of his official duties.

The post of Leader of the Opposition is a Parliamentary Office created by the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Thus, it must be provided with essential support services and resources vital to its existence. The Office of the Parliament facilitates this process. All staff members are political appointments.

Phone: (868) 623-8662

The Office of the Marshal of the Parliament


To provide a safe and clean environment in which the Parliament may carry out its functions and to provide exceptional services equal to the clients’ expectations.

The office of the Marshal of the Parliament is responsible for leading and directing the safety and security of the Parliament, its precincts and staff, management of the Parliamentary Security Department, ceremonial functions connected with the sittings of the Houses and protocol duties in relation to the Presiding Officers and Parliamentary dignitaries. Supervision of the Mail Room and Courier Services, Food and Beverage Services, Facilities Management and the Support Staff also fall within the purview of the Marshal’s office.

Contact: Dr. Kirt St. Bernard – Marshal of the Parliament
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2351)

Facilities Management Unit

The Facilities Management Unit is responsible for multiple disciplines at the Parliament to ensure the safe operation and maintenance of the Built Environment. Our work includes integrating people, place, process and technology.

The Facilities Management Unit is also responsible for:

  • Health, Safety and Environment
  • Engineering and Technical Services
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Development Projects
  • Security Systems
  • Car Parks, etc.

Contact: Mr. Samuel Mottley – Facilities Manager
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2269)

Constituency Operations Management Unit (COMU)


To be a support system that strives consistently to satisfy stakeholder needs in the governance structure for representation at the constituency level, with professionalism and service excellence.


To support all Members of Parliament in the discharge of their representational function with efficiency and effectiveness, by providing adequate physical infrastructure and complementary operational systems.

COMU is also responsible for:

  • Assisting in the day to day activities and issues through an electronic ticketing system, which includes a monitoring and evaluation component;
  • Assisting in the legal and operational issues that impact adherence to the Constituency Operations Manual;
  • Managing the administrative details of the employment, maintenance and exit of staff  of the Constituency Offices through HR best practices; and
  • Managing the physical aspects of the buildings housing the Constituency Offices and their assets. It includes Inventory Management as well as identifying and securing buildings suitable for Constituency Offices.

Contact: Mr. Neil Jaggassar – Manager
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2550)



To provide Members and the Parliament with an accurate, high-quality, cost-effective, timely and excellent report of the parliamentary proceedings of both Houses of Parliament and Committees.

The Editor of the Official Report directs the operations of Hansard. This officer is responsible for the production of verbatim reports of both Houses of Parliament and Committees and also the editorial aspects of these reports.

The Hansard is the Official Report of debates in both Houses of Parliament. Personnel, referred to as CAT Reporters, utilising computer-aided technology in transcription produce verbatim transcripts. This is a process whereby Reporters use computer software installed on the computers to translate the verbatim notes taken in the Chamber into English.

Reporters are also utilized at Commissions of Enquiries.

The publication of the Official Report lies with an external body, the Government Printer, as provided for by the laws of Trinidad and Tobago.

Contact: Mrs. Lila Rodriguez-Roberts -Editor of the Official Report
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2240)

The Parliament Library


To continuously provide knowledgeable, timely, non-partisan and high-quality information resource services to all Members of Parliament, their research staff, all officers of the Parliament and their staff.

The Librarian is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that books, journals and other printed materials are available to Members of Parliament in support of their legislative functions;
  • Responding efficiently to requests from Members, officers of both Houses and other authorized users, for documents that are considered necessary for the performance of Parliamentary duties
  • Maintaining a definitive collection of sessional papers and other documents related to the business of proceedings of the Senate and House of Representatives and their Committees.

The Library maintains specialized databases of general material related to parliamentary procedure, Parliamentary Questions and Motions, Hansard Debates, Periodicals and Newspaper Articles.

The Library also offers services in the following areas to members of Parliament, staff and the general public, in some instances:

  • Information
  • Reference and Research
  • Loans
  • Bibliographical
  • Technical
  • Library Services
  • Publications

contact: Mr. Curtis Ramoutar, Librarian III
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (ext. 2248)

Human Resource Management

The Human Resource Management Unit carries out the processes of recruitment and selection, performance appraisal and training and development for the staff of the Office of the Parliament. It is also charged with functions relating to staff compensation/benefits and industrial relations matters.

Contact: Mrs. Jacqueline Phillip Stoute – Ag. Director, Human Resource Services
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2231)

Administrative Services


To provide and maintain efficient and functional administrative support systems and services for the Parliament.

The procurement of all supplies, furniture and equipment essential to the proper functioning of the Parliament and its offices is the domain of the Administrative Services Division.

Contact: Mrs. Sheriza Ghany-Mohammed – Administrative Officer IV
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2233)

Financial Services


To offer effective financial and accounting services to the Parliament and Parliamentary Institutions and to ensure that the financial functions are conducted in compliance with the Exchequer and Audit Act and Financial Regulations and Instructions.

The Financial Services Department is charged with the responsibility of assisting the Accounting Officer (Clerk of the House) with the financial management of the Parliament. It also prepares the annual estimates for submission to the Ministry of Finance, prepares salaries and allowances for all Members of Parliament who do not hold ministerial portfolios, employees of the Office of the Parliament, constituency staff and other employees of parliamentary institutions. The Division also ensures that goods and services contracted by the Office of the Parliament are paid for promptly.

Contact: Ag. Accounting Executive I
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2315)

Records Management


To provide and maintain a modern records management and record retrieval system for the Parliamentary Services Bureau

The Records Management Division updates and maintains the Records Management System and retrieves information on request.

Contact: Records Manager
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2243)

Pension and Leave Unit

The Pension and Leave Unit is a small but critically important unit within the Human Resources Department charged with the responsibility of ensuring that

  • Members of Parliament,
  • Employees and their dependents; and
  • Constituency Staff

receive their retirement benefits accurately and promptly.

Contact: Mr. David Ali (Pension and Leave Supervisor)
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (ext. 2361)

Information Systems


To ensure that all systems are up to date and deliver effective functionality

The Information Systems Unit is managed by the Information Systems Manager. The unit determines the platforms and technology necessary to facilitate the Parliament’s Information Systems strategy. It is responsible for the administration, management and maintenance of the Information Systems infrastructure and related technologies of the Parliament Department, The Office of the Leader of the Opposition and the forty-one (41) Constituency Offices.

The Information Systems Unit also maintains the audio system for the Parliamentary Chamber and Committee rooms, and in more recent times the IT based systems used for the broadcasting of Parliamentary proceedings.

Contact: Mr. Garreth Ferguson – Director, ICT
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (ext. 2259)

Corporate Communications Department

The Corporate Communication Department (CCD) plays a critical role in connecting people and providing services.  Apart from the primary objective of CCD which is to provide high quality professional services to Members of Parliament, members of staff are required to establish and maintain effective channels of communication with every stakeholder group:  from employees, to policy makers, community members and special interest groups (e.g. the media). 

The dynamic role and scope of CCD includes conducting tours, development of public outreach programs, television productions, and the preparation of publications and educational material.  The Parliament’s Television and Radio Services, which also fall under this Unit televises Chamber and Committee proceedings on the Parliament Channel 11 and on FM 105.5. Proceedings can also be viewed via the Parliament’s webpage at

Contact: Ms. Colleen Holder – Director, Corporate Communications and Production
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (ext. 2358)

Contact: Ms. Candice Dubarry – Production Coordinator
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (ext. 2366)

Contact: Mr. Jason Elcock – Manager, Corporate Communications
Phone: (868) 624-7275 (Ext. 2302)