33rd Sitting of the Senate
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
Senator Linus Rogers raised a matter of privilege based on statements made by Senator Wade Mark in the 32nd Sitting of the Senate on October 1st, 2009. The President of the Senate will make a ruling at the next sitting whether this matter should be take to the Privileges Committee.
The President granted leave to Sen. Conrad Enil and Sen. Dr. Emily Gaynor Dick-Forde. Mr. Noel Gayle and Foster Cummings were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Enil and Dick-Forde respectively.
One paper was laid in the name of the Minister of Education, The Annual Report of the Teaching Service Commission for the year 2008.
Two questions qualify for oral answer. One question was answered by the Attorney General the other was deferred.
Ten Questions qualify for written answer. See Apendix in the Order Paper for details.
The Minister of National Security started the debate of the The Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Bill, 2009. This bill was introduced in the Senate on June 9, 2009. The bill went to committee stage and passed with amendments. It was then read a third time and passed.
At the next sitting the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago Bill, 2009 is expected to be introduced and go through all of it’s stages.